Everyone has the power in their hands to shape the society we're in.

With Kitchen Cheeks, we're here to set the ground to reclaim, spread and amplify this power, wherever we are, in cities and local neighborhoods.

We urgently need to switch from the passenger to the driver's seat, from passive consumers to active makers, from individualism to collective-driven, from top-down to peer-to-peer, from competition to cooperation, from hierarchical to self-organized, from tasteless to wholesome, from farm to table. 

We are paving the way for a culinary revolution. And it starts now.
A revolution that reclaims radical conviviality through cooking with our own hands. That questions where the food we eat comes from. Who is behind it. How our consumption choices impact the world around us.

Like fast fashion, the race for hyperconsumption is real in today's food culture. We eat out and consume fancy restaurants, ready-made meals, snacks and junk food more than ever. When it used to be for special occasions, we can now eat outside, every day of the week, from breakfast to dinner, for no reason other than convenience and social status. And at which costs?
Eating out has become a tasteless commodity, a societal norm, an entitlement to overworked hours, a mainstream habit ingrained in our daily routines. Tapping our credit card in seconds, getting food delivered to our door in minutes, not to mention the Instagrammable Sunday brunch. Where are we going with that?
These shortcuts are costing us, making us dumb, sick and obese, literally and figuratively, individually and as a society. Making us consume far more than what we need or the planet can offer. As we indulge, we become increasingly detached from our food, from each other, and from the world we live in. We're drowning under mountains of waste, GMOs, pesticides and plastic pollution. Human and animal exploitation. Biodiversity loss.
This is not a desirable reality. And it is time to design one that is.

Rooted in the arts, maker & slow food movement, Kitchen Cheeks is a
culinary revolution, bringing people together through the noble craft of cooking and making our own food, defying cooking as a chore that should be delegated, relearning how nourrishing it is for the body, soul and human connections.
Showing off savoring a plate we cooked ourselves, seated in a family-style long table is, we think, the coolest thing ever.

Are you ready to take this leap with us? Then fasten your seatbelt.

Rooted in the arts, maker and slow food movements, we want to contribute to another kind of society, one that doesn’t overconsume, is obsessed by perpetual growth, creates social injustice and wealth inequalities, destroy the planet, isolate people and bring them against each other. As a society alternative, we are convinced we need to come together in third spaces, reconnecting with our hands via manual crafts, connecting with people around us, the food we eat, who’s behind it, and switch from the consumerist passenger seat to the do-ocracy peer to peer driver seat! So we do so with a first phase of developing monthly residencies where we take over a restaurant or cafe when they are closed, we come together, cook with the guidance of a chef and enjoy the dinner around a family-style table.